Course Number: C350 /
Category: History and Social Science /
Credits: 2 /
Recommended Grades: 11,12 /
Level: AP /
Length: Full Year /
Description: This course is designed for motivated students who enjoy studying history in more depth and breadth and who have demonstrated the ability to pursue historical study at a college level. Course content and structure focuses on developing the skills of a historian: assessing historical materials, weighing evidence and interpretations, and expressing conclusions with clarity and precision. Students engage in an in-depth study of the content and questions of American history through careful analysis of primary documents and critical reading of secondary materials. They are required to write frequently, and at an advanced level, about course topics and complete a series of summer readings selected by the instructor. Students are required to take the National AP U.S. History Examination in May. Prerequisites: A high level of success in U.S. History 1 and a teacher recommendation.