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  3. Dystopian Literature

Dystopian Literature

Course Number: C163D /

Category: English Language Arts, Electives /

Credits: 1 /

Recommended Grades: ALL /

Level: College Prep /

Length: Semester /

This course offers an in-depth exploration of the dystopian genre in literature. Dystopian literature portrays a fictional society or world that is characterized by oppression and, often, totalitarian control. The setting is typically bleak and oppressive, where individual freedoms and rights are restricted or entirely absent. The themes explored in dystopian literature often include power, control, societal norms, and the human condition. Dystopian literature is frequently used to comment on contemporary issues or trends in society and to offer a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of unchecked power or societal changes.

Through the reading and analysis of selected novels, short stories, films, and other literary works, students will gain a deeper understanding of the themes, motifs, and literary techniques used to convey a dystopian world. This course is suitable for high school students who are interested in exploring themes related to power, control, societal norms, and the human condition.

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