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Early College Courses – Fall and Spring

Category: Early College /
Recommended Grades: 11,12 /
Length: Semester /
Description: /

AHE – 117 – Communications Skills for Health Care Professionals – (Fall and Spring)

This course provides the student with the skills to communicate effectively as an Allied Health Professional. The course includes discussions of verbal and non – verbal communication, professional communication and behavior, interviewing techniques, adapting communication to a patient’s ability to understand, patient education, cultural sensitivity, electronic communication, and fundamental writing skills.

ENG – 095 – Writing Skills II – (Fall and Spring)

This course develops language skills needed to communicate effectively in college study, in the professions, and in the business world. The course includes sentence formation, applied grammar, spelling, mechanics, and paragraph development. Note: Students must pass the Basic Writing Competency Exam in order to receive a passing grade for this course. The course does not satisfy the college writing requirement for graduation. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in Writing Skills I (ENG090) or placement.

ENG – 111 – College Writing I – (Fall and Spring)

This course emphasizes writing as a process, from planning and drafting through revising and editing. Using personal experience, readings, and other sources, students write unified, coherent, well – developed essays and practice paraphrasing, summarizing, and using sources responsibly. To be eligible to take College Writing II (ENG112), students must pass the College Writing Exam and earn a grade of C or better for this course. The course meets General Education “College Writing” Requirement Area 1. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in Writing Skills II (ENG095) and Academic Reading III (ESL098) or Reading Skills II (RDG095) or placement.

ENG – 112 – College Writing II – (Fall and Spring)

This course focuses on the research paper, the longer essay, argumentation, critical writing, and reading. The course meets General Education “College Writing” Requirement Area 1. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in College Writing I (ENG111).

ESL – 088 – Academic Reading II – (Fall and Spring)

In this high – intermediate course, students increase their level – appropriate vocabulary and develop their reading skills and strategies as they analyze, discuss, and write about longer readings. Students are also introduced to critical thinking skills such as drawing inferences, understanding idioms and figures of speech, and recognizing purpose and perspective. Students learn grammar in the context of the reading materials and in student generated writing. Students must earn a C or better in order to pass the course. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ESL074, ESL075, ESL078, and ESL079, or placement.

ESL – 089 – Academic Writing II – (Fall and Spring)

In this high intermediate course, students develop their writing skills with a focus on the process of college writing from planning and drafting to revising and editing. Students demonstrate their critical thinking skills by writing paragraphs and essays from their personal experience and from readings of moderate complexity. Students practice correct grammar and mechanics in the context of the readings and their own writing. Students must pass the ESL089 Writing Competency Exam and earn a grade of C or better in order to pass the course. Students must earn a C or better in order to pass the course. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ESL074, ESL075, ESL078, and ESL079, or placement.

ESL – 099 – Academic Writing III – (Fall and Spring)

This advanced course focuses on the academic writing skills necessary for success in college content courses. Students develop their abilities with sentence structure, paragraph writing, and essay writing through extensive practice with multiple drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. Students write from personal experience, answer essay questions from readings of substantial complexity, and write essays using research sources. Students learn grammar in the context of the readings and student generated writing. Students must pass the ESL099 Writing Competency Exam and earn a C or better in order to pass the course. Prerequisites: Grade of C or better in ESL086, ESL087, ESL088, and ESL089 or placement.

NHP – 180 – Medical Terminology – (Fall and Spring)

This course provides instruction in the development of basic medical terminology. Competency in medical terminology promotes effective communication among members of the healthcare team.

PSY – 101 – Principles of Psychology – (Fall and Spring)

This introductory psychology course covers a survey of information and theory. Topics include the brain and behavior, research methods, learning, consciousness, motivation, emotion, human growth and development, personality, abnormal behavior, and psychotherapy, social cognition and understanding. The course meets General Education “Individual and Society” Requirement Area 2. Prerequisite: Academic Reading III (ESL098) or Reading Skills II (RDG095) or co – enrollment in integrated courses, or exemption by placement testing.

SOC – 101 – Principles of Sociology – (Fall and Spring)

This course covers an introduction to the concepts and theories of society and social institutions. The course meets General Education Individual and Society Requirement Area 2. Prerequisite: Academic Reading III (ESL098) or Reading Skills II (RDG095) or co – enrollment in integrated courses or exemption from reading requirement by placement testing.

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