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Entering Student Course Recommendations and Comments in Aspen

High School Note: The school year window for S1/S2/FY recommendations opens in December. All recommendations can be edited as necessary by teachers up until the deadline.

Middle School Note: Teacher recommendations for students moving from 8th to 9th grade are done by 8th grade teachers in Aspen. Please be sure that only one teacher/course gives a course recommendation for each appropriate subject, otherwise students will end up with duplicate (and possibly differing) course requests for ELA, Math, etc. Timing of teacher recommendations for 8th grade students entering 9th grade is determined by building principals and the CHS 9th grade assistant principal.

STEP 1. Click on the Gradebook tab. Select a course by checking the box and then clicking the Scores side tab to open the Scores view shown below. If you don’t see the recommendation columns click Set Preferences on the Control Bar (look for your name close to where you would log off from Aspen).

Then click on the Gradebook tab (in the Set Preferences window), and you’ll see the options below.

Check the Show course selection recommendation box to make the columns appear, and uncheck the box to make them disappear. Hiding the columns does not affect the data in them – when you re-check the box, the columns reappear with your recommendations and text comments intact.

Note: If you use the settings gear in your gradebook, instead of your set preferences under your name, your dialog to make course selection recommendations appear is under a different tab; it’s under the “Student Information” tab instead of the “Gradebook” tab. See image below:

Reopen your Scores view and you’ll see the Recommendation and Comment columns shown below.

STEP 2. Click on the Recommendation tab. A dropdown appears with your department’s recommendation choices from the courses. Click on the course you want to assign to each student. You can change your recommendation at any time during the window, and you can remove the recommendation (as opposed to changing it) by changing it to the top option in the dropdown which appears as a blank.

STEP 3. Once you enter a course assignment in the Recommendation column, the Comment field becomes active. If you’d like to enter a brief comment about the assignment for a student, click on the pencil and paper icon.

STEP 4. The comment box will open and you can write a brief comment related to the assignment.  Please note, your comments will be public and open for parents and students to view.

Click OK to close the comment window.

You don’t need to do anything to save your recommendations or comments. The system saves them automatically as you enter them.

FAQs About Entering Student Course Assignments in Aspen

How long do I have to enter course recommendations?
The S1/S2/FY course recommendation window opens in early January and closes at the end of the day when quarter 3 progress reports are due. Exact dates are circulated separately each year. Please reach out to building principals for additional, specific guidance, and for timing related to current 8th graders entering 9th grade.
Why don’t I see the recommendation columns in my gradebooks or one of my gradebooks?
The recommendation columns only appear in core academic courses (ELA, math, science, history and foreign language) and a couple other selected courses. If recommendation columns should be available in a class and aren’t, please contact Andy Moore.
What assignment should I make for a student who’s failing my class?
Teachers should make the course assignment for the course the student is mostly likely to take next year based on their current grade.  As such, if a student is most likely to fail your class this year the course assignment for next year should be to repeat the course.  If you have questions about the course sequences or appropriate placement for specific students, please consult with the department lead.
How should I handle AP recommendations?
Teachers should make appropriate AP recommendations for students; please discuss potential AP recommendations with students as appropriate to discuss commitment and to gauge interest. Students will then be invited to an assembly. Students not recommended but interested in AP classes will also have an opportunity to self-advocate to the department lead teacher.
What about co-taught classes?
Special Education and Bridge Academy personnel will handle co-taught assignments.
Do I have to save my course recommendations?
No. Aspen automatically saves your recommendations and the comments as they’re entered.
What’s the difference between a course recommendation/assignment and a course request?
Course recommendations/assignments become course requests if they are “accepted” in Aspen (this happens after the recommendation window closes). You can edit or change your recommendations before they’re accepted or edited by counselors; once they become course requests, only a guidance counselor can change them. Having this flexibility lets lead teachers, counselors, and administrators report on – and work with – recommendations before they actually become course requests.
Can I change a course recommendation or comment?
You can change a course recommendation or comment as often as necessary until the course recommendation window closes. If you need to make changes after the window closes, they should be sent directly to the student’s school counselor.
I still have questions. What should I do?
Please refer questions directly to your department lead and/or building principal. You can email technical questions to Andy Moore.

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