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  3. Topics for Math MCAS

Topics for Math MCAS

Course Number: C280M /
Category: Mathematics /
Credits: 1 /
Recommended Grades: 11, 12 /
Level: College Prep /
Length: Semester /


All students who wish to graduate high school are required to take and pass the Math MCAS exam. This course is designed for students on an EPP (Educational Proficiency Plan) who are required to take and pass a mathematics course during their junior or senior year. This course is for those students who need an alternative to fill the EPP requirement for graduation. Students on an EPP will need to pass the course as a graduation requirement. This course is also for those who have failed the Math MCAS and wish to earn their diploma. The course will cover topics that prepare students for an end of course proficiency exam and/or to pass the Math MCAS. The exam will address the high school mathematics content in the Massachusetts Frameworks. Topics addressed will come from the following conceptual categories: Number and Quantity, Algebra, Functions, Modeling, Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.  Prerequisite Courses: Algebra 1 and Geometry. (See:  http://www.doe.mass.edu/ccte/ccr/epp/ for more information about EPP’s)

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