US History 2

Course Number: C341 /
Category: History and Social Science /
Credits: 1 /
Recommended Grades: 11 /
Level: College Prep /
Length: Semester /
Description: This course provides an in-depth look at the United States in the 20th century. Students begin with the Imperialist era, study World War I and the Roaring Twenties, and then examine the Great Depression and the goals and accomplishments of the New Deal. Coursework continues through World War II and the impact of the war on American life and American global power. Students then study the Cold War era, the Civil Rights Movement, and the Vietnam War. The course concludes with an examination of more recent events and trends that have shaped contemporary America. Like U.S. History 1, U.S. History 2 requires students to read a variety of sources, including a number of primary documents, and focus on continuous development of reading, writing, and analytical skills. Prerequisite: Successful completion of U.S. History 1.

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